

Monique & Ingrid | Connect & Communicate

Organisations are constantly in motion. MICoCo follows them in this dynamic process, but is one step ahead if necessary. As change and communication specialists with more than 20 years’ experience, we help create support for change. How can you ensure that your well-conceived plans will be wholeheartedly accepted? That a new development is seen as a welcome improvement and not as an unpleasant surprise. That the management's vision effectively reaches all the employees so that they embrace it and implement it?

MICoCo draws up concrete communication approaches to tackle all these sorts of questions. We ensure effective communication of vision and policy to all the layers within an organisation. In order to do this effectively, we analyse the structure of the formal and informal lines of communication. We approach the right target groups using the right channels and equip them with the right tools. We ensure that core messages are delivered regularly and in a consistent manner. Dialogue is stimulated to increase commitment: from informing people and making them enthusiastic to encouraging them to take action and achieving the desired result.

You can employ MICoCo to advise on, create and implement internal communication and change management processes. We are experts in change and internal communications in the following areas:

You can of course bring us in to establish an internal communications structure, to optimise related processes and channels, and to manage and improve communication with line management.

MI is:

Monique Sturmans and Ingrid Wennekes, two experienced and passionate internal communications advisors who successfully manage complex change management processes with vision and creativity.

Our CoCo stands for Connect and Communicate:

We find the essence of the message and ensure that all target groups connect with the content, aided by effective communication tools and channels.

MICoCo: from informing people and making them enthusiastic to encouraging them to take action
and achieving the desired result